Scott Cluthe talks with Shaman William Whitecloud live Tuesday at 8 EST-7 CST-6 MST and 5 PST. Williams latest book is titled: The Last Shaman. Whitecloud shares the following on his personal journey on line: "My association with Magic goes way back. I was born in a small African country called Swaziland, where my parents were carving a 35,000 acre sugar and citrus estate out of virgin bushland. Growing up in such a wild and remote part of the world was to influence my character and personality in many ways, but the most enduring effect that time had on me came from being immersed in the supernatural worldview of the tribes people around me. Life for me was an endless romp in the Garden of Eden, until I was eight years old, when I was packed off to a succession of Christian orientated boarding schools in the colonial education system. ... In 1983 I immigrated to Australia and switched from trading physical commodities to speculating on global financial money markets. Ironically, my trading mentor in Australia was a highly successful analyst and trader given to using profoundly esoteric methods for predicting market movements. Yet this window into the mystical nature of the universe did nothing to free me from my disillusionment with an existence that seemed designed solely to fulfill societal expectations... ..This search brought me into contact with the alchemical principles of Hermetic Philosophy and the ideas of Robert Fritz, founder of Technologies For Creating. Both modalities pointed to the premise that we subconsciously create our own reality and that there is a way in which we can direct the subconscious mind to create the reality we choose. Life is magic. ...In 1996, inspired by the momentum of my own self-transformation, I founded a program called Living From Greatness. "
William Whitecloud | The Last Shaman | real magic white magic | Scott Cluthe | Positively Incorrect TV and Radio
William Whitecloud | The Last Shaman | real magic white magic | Scott Cluthe | Positively Incorrect TV and Radio