Audri Scott Williams describes herself as a mother, a grandmother, a peace walker, a vision-keeper, a motivator, a quantum communicator and explorer, an author, and a producer. The vision she keeps has led her around the world since the year 2000 with a team of dedicated walkers, including her mother! Audri's peace pilgrimages spring from her passion for a just and righteous society that promotes the interconnectedness of all and fulfills the true pattern of perfection for all life. In 1993, Audri Scott Williams, resigned from Charles County Community College to fulfill a greater calling. It wasn't long before she began, once again, having dreams and visions of four Grandmothers in Spirit. In the midst of the their presence, Audri began receiving messages and drawings which led to her first book, Diary of NOWTIME Prophecies, a metaphysical riddle, a neuro-linguistic “repatterning” , to affect recall of past, present and future experiences. The volumes of information now accumulated include: words; music; video productions; NOWTIME Radio; sacred geometry; and blue prints for biospheric technologies. In addition, Audri's experiences have taken her on four life changing journey's, including a global walk for peace on six continents -- visiting sacred sites; engaging in sacred ceremonies; and connecting with communities around the world in the spirit of love and peace…the energies that represent the core transformative values that will change the world and be the catalyst for humanity's shift to higher consciousness. She calls herself a quantum communicator and explorer, traveling between the known and unknown.
Peace walker![]()
| vision-keeper![]()
| Diary of Nowtime Prophecies![]()
| Audri Scott Williams![]()
| quantum communicator![]()
Peace walker