Kevin Eikenberry is Founder and CEO of the Kevin Eikenberry Group and a two time bestselling author of “Remarkable Leadership” and "Vantage Points on Learning & Life.” His company has been helping individuals and organizations become great giving them key strategies in developing the 13 competencies of remarkable leaders since 1993. Kevin believes “we are all given a unique set of talents when we are born and it is our job to tap into our personal skills and abilities to maximize our potential throughout our lives. While our natural talents help us on our journey to become an effective leader, other skills need to be nurtured and developed.” Kevin has spoken and presented to well-known fortune 500 companies, organizations and non-profits such as, The National Institute of Health (NIH), the National Speaker's Association (NSA), the International Society for Performance Improvement, the National Association for Experiential Learning, the American Society for Training and Development, the International Society for Performance Improvement, and many more. Kevin and his family live in Indianapolis, Indiana. Visit or
Leadership Training | Conflict Resolution | Business | Kevin Eikenberry | Deb Scott Best People We Know Radio Show
Leadership Training | Conflict Resolution | Business | Kevin Eikenberry | Deb Scott Best People We Know Radio Show