Steeltown Pro Wrestling has exploded back into the Manitoba wrestling picture with a spectacular comeback show at the Transcona Hi Neighbour Festival! All your SPW questions will be answered in this SPW SPECIAL! Who was on the SPW roster? What were the results? Where was Ernie Todd? Where was Vinnie Valiant.? Why was Billy Blaze at the event? What did Sargeant Tom Steele say to Lance Storm Academy Grads Scott Justice and Abel Wolfe before the show? Why did Bobby Jay refuse to work the show? Whats with Louies new tablecloth" suit? Why was Marc Merric put over? ALL THIS! Plus we take your calls on all things wrestling!
winnipeg pro wrestling | canadian wrestlings elite | premier championship wrestling | steeltown pro wrestling | WWE
winnipeg pro wrestling | canadian wrestlings elite | premier championship wrestling | steeltown pro wrestling | WWE