Join the Positively Incorrect! Newsletter Carmen Harras On Line Hay House Seminar on Relationships Begins July 16th-Register Here & get a Free Book and 20 Min Consultation at No Additional Cost ! Peter Shapiro, author of Ghosts on The Red Line, is re-scheduled for Thursday Julyy 1tth 8 PM EST. With the release of the blockbuster film Inception, dreams, the world of Lucid Dreams and perhaps also entering the dreams of others is very much in the public conversation. Scott Cluthe interviews one of the world-recognized experts on lucid dreaming, Robert Waggonner. Author of Lucid Dreaming, Robert Waggoner, is past President of the International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD) . For the past ten years, he has been the co-editor of the online magazine, The Lucid Dream Exchange, the only ongoing publication devoted specifically to lucid dreaming. Robert has a regular show on Iowa Public Radio, discussing dreams and lucid dreams. Robert frequently speaks on lucid dreaming at national and international dream conferences, workshops and college classrooms, like Sonoma State University, Iowa State University, University of Washington and Evergreen State College. More than 30 years ago, the author taught himself a simple technique to become consciously aware in the dream state. Since that time, lucid dreaming, or the ability to become consciously aware while dreaming, has been proven by the pioneering research of Dr. Keith Hearne, University of Hull, and Dr. Stephen LaBerge at Stanford. Lucid dreaming is a revolutionary psychological tool. Now, western science has a new means to experiment and investigate the deeper aspects of the dream state and the mind, while consciously aware.
Lucid Dreaming | Robert Waggoner | Scott Cluthe | Seymore Foxhole | Positively Incorrect TV and Radio
Lucid Dreaming | Robert Waggoner | Scott Cluthe | Seymore Foxhole | Positively Incorrect TV and Radio