Welcome to B.L.I.F. Networks presentation of Pearls of Wisdom-Jewels of the Kingdom. Each week we will endeavor to bring you thought provoking, encouraging content via live interviews of people living for and loving the Lord or recorded devotionals. Through our live interviews we aim to show that it is possible to serve with a purpose, for a lifetime; to be more than a believer; to be a fully developed disciple of Christ and to serve with joy through the good and bad times. The men and women of faith presented here are all precious jewels in the sight of God, and just as it is in the spirit, "there is no gender in jewels!" This week we will be speaking to Evangelist Theresa Scott of Out of A Pure Heart in Philadelphia, PA.
Wisdom | Encouragement | Jesus | Sharing | Blessings
Wisdom | Encouragement | Jesus | Sharing | Blessings