Today on CALL MY LAWYER, ViralPress Radio brings LIVE Coverage of JUSTICE by OBJECTIVES Rallys in Support of Trayvon Martin fron the Scott Matheson Court House, Salt Lake City, Utah, around the USA and the world. Join Host Ozwald Balfour and Guests on CALL MY LAWYER where you can find the Perfect Attorney or learn how to represent yourself in or our of court. Learn from Experts, "How to Get What You Want Everytime." On ViralPress Radio you will learn how to Empower yourself to Fight City Hall, Goliath institutions or the neighborhood Bullie and Win. CALL MY LAWYER and become an Advocate against Government Agencies, Landlords, Credit Card Companies, Banks, Contractors, Car Dealers, Empoyers and yes, Bad Lawyers.
Lawyer | Advocate | Wills | Partnerships | Legal Rights
Lawyer | Advocate | Wills | Partnerships | Legal Rights