Philosopher Dr. Diana Hsieh interviewed historian Scott Powell about "History is Dead, Long Live History" in this episode of Philosophy in Action Radio. Why is knowledge of history important? How have historians failed to teach it? Whats the proper approach? How can adults educate themselves about history? Scott Powell is the creator of Powell History and "A First History for Adults." He is a permanent traveler who teaches a distance learning homeschooling history program called "History At Our House" that provides an integrated curriculum for children from 2nd to 12th grade all over the world. He is currently writing his first book, History is Dead, Long Live History. To download or feed a high-quality version of this episode, plus show notes and other details, visit its archive page. For more from Dr. Diana Hsieh on the application of rational principles to the challenges of real life, visit
self-education | philosophy | parenting | education | history
self-education | philosophy | parenting | education | history