On the Brian The Hammer Show Brians Guest will be: -Adrian "Age" Scott - Age Scott is a Raptoonist, the voice of HipHop in Comic Books. Age has the first and longest running hiphop comic book "Won and Phil, The HipHop Heroes" and is currently running a fundraising campaign on Kickstarter for his next book "CREEPYSHOW" -Latest in Celebrity and Headline News -MVP Box Office: *The Magickal *Friend Of The Devil *The Bennight Brothers *Hungry Hawknz "Never Break Us Up" Join us LIVE at 10am pacific - 1pm eastern time - Call in with questions and comments 646-595-3032 Sponsors of the Brian The Hammer Show: -MVP On Demand -Midway Marketplace -Sassy Ladyz Boutique
MVP On Demand | The Magickal | Friend of the Devil | Celebrity News | MLK Jr
MVP On Demand | The Magickal | Friend of the Devil | Celebrity News | MLK Jr