Coming up on our next RadioRescue segment 9/5 with Transformation Expert Dr. Alex Concorde we will be tackling questions on: SLEEP _ what it's for and what happens when you don't get enough of it? PHOBIA CURES _ is it true that you can cure a phobia using NLP, and if so, is it permanent? HOT FLASHES_ are there good natural ways for conquering those hideous menopausal symptoms? Be part of the show! Send us your questions for this September 5 11:00 am Easter and 4:00 pm GMT now at Call us live at 347-637-1318Connect with Deb at
Insomnia Cures | Eliminating Phobias | Help for Hot Flashes | Dr Alex Concorde | Deb Scott Best People Radio Author Blogger
Insomnia Cures | Eliminating Phobias | Help for Hot Flashes | Dr Alex Concorde | Deb Scott Best People Radio Author Blogger