Lemons to Lemonade: Overcoming Your Past & Winning in the Now! This book is outlined in (12) twelve, easy-to-read chapters, filled with life quotes from some of the greatest minds from around the world. This inspirational, encouraging book offers true stories of people from all walks of life that had to make tough decisions and navigate through difficult situations. People such as; Comedian Steve Harvey, Scott Rigsby, Candy Lightner, Oprah Winfrey, Jan Crouch and countless others who had to learn how to squeeze purpose out of their sour seasons. Learning that their sour season was never about them, but those they would touch around the world. These stories show how faith in God can inspire, encourage, heal, and give hope. Walker, a prime example of one who was a homeless demonstrates to readers of how God can take all of your lemons and turn them into the sweet taste of lemonade. This book takes you through a journey of his own personal lemon story from being a homeless single parent of two boys to producing entertainment productions for Walt Disney World and Sea World Theme Parks. To now being a Pastor in the same City a few blocks from where He once was homeless.