JANESVILLE COMMUNITY RADIO PROUDLY PRESENTS: CIVIL DISCOURSE Civil Discourse is a local podcast hosted by former State Senator Peter Bear and Eric Brant. Peter and Eric connect the dots from historical events to current issues in an effort to correctly predict the outcomes. We lay out current events, expand on the issues, and blend facts with our own take on the subject matter. This show aims to easily and accurately break down complex political situations for working America. An awesome-jam-packed episode this week. Amar Kaleka joins us in the first half of the show. Amar is running in the Democratic Primary against Rob Zerban for Paul Ryan's congressional seat. Amar last his father killed in the Sikh Temple shooting in 2012. He is now running for congress. Tune in to hear where he stands on key issues. In the second half of the show, we are joined by the Executive Director of Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Mike McCabe. Mike joins us to discuss the video that was release this week exposing State Senator Mike Ellis (R) talking about illegal campaign activities. What does this mean for Ellis? What does it mean for 2014? What does it mean for Scott Walker when the 2nd ranking Senate Republican said that "Walker is working for Walker"?