FTVR 24/7 RADIO> http://station.voscast.com/53592e4548b4b/ LISTEN NOW! The ‘SECRET NEWS', the NEWS BEHIND the NEWS then, Scott Davis joins Kevin Bull with Katie (Research) re-broadcast on Free Thinking Voice [The Earth Needs Rebels Show] re-broadcast on http://freethinkingvoice.tv on Thursday the 8th of May. There are people out there who have asked for a FREE Reading. On Wednesday 1st January we had the opportunity as Scott Davis was our guest discussing the "Astrology of January 2014" on the live show. Scott joined the show at 1:30 EST after the first break. This was a fun, free event. After discussing the transits, he was available for questions and some impromptu Human Design readings for some of the listeners in the live audience at 1650 AM on the New York City dial and streamed live on Orion Talk Radio. WAITING for the SHOW to START? - FTVR 24/7 RADIO FEED - LISTEN 24/7 NOW! To take the Rebels Platform & Speak Out email me Kevin Bull at theearthneedsrebelsshow@freethinkingvoice.tv Free Thinking Voice website http://freethinkingvoice.org/ Free Thinking Voice - The Earth Needs Rebels Show on Truth Frequency Radio 90.7 FM K-TFR-N Denver, Colorado, USA. http://truthfrequencyradio.com/ LIVE Mon-Fri 1pm-3pm ET; 6pm-8pm GMT BREAKFAST SHOWS Tue-Sat 6-8am ET; 11am-1pm GMT BEST of the WEEK SHOWS on MONDAYS 1pm-3pm ET; 6pm-8pm GMT Free Thinking Voice - The Earth Needs Rebels Show on Free Thinking Voice Radio http://freethinkingvoice.tv/ LIVE Mon-Sat 3-5pm ET; 8-10pm GMT