Whats up ladies and gentleman its that time of the week LAID BACK WEDNESDAY! Not only are we gonna hit you guys with a hot topic for today but this is the day our Mr. Marcus battle rap the talented lyrical genicide Crazy Scott Miss j gonna be giving you the news you can use, and I pnut aka Mr jones gone host my ass off for yall lol. Okay todays topic have you ever been with a female and she just past gas in front of you and acts like its the sexiest thing ever I MEAN YUCKY or you ever been dating a guy and he just plan musty on the regular i mean how comfortable can you be or get to feel that its ok to do things like that today we gonna talk about that so ill see yall later on the show PEACE!!!!!
JONES-VLOG-SPOT | Pnut aka mr jones | MIss j | MR MARCUS | COMFORTABLE
JONES-VLOG-SPOT | Pnut aka mr jones | MIss j | MR MARCUS | COMFORTABLE