Social Media is playing a huge role in the relief efforts in New York and New Jersey. Through social media alliances have been formed and help is reaching directly into the hands of those who need it. Joining us today are guests Scott T Chadwick Shore Relief Alliance and Eluise Gambino SWFL Relief Alliance who are working together wwith countless others to bring relief to those who have lost so much due to Hurricane Sandy. They will not only be sharing their story and passion but how you too can help no matter where you are living. Join them on Facebook for up to date information SWFL Relief Alliance You can also follow them on twitter using #sandyhelp #swflhelpsandy #sihelp #SWFL @ChangeWishing
Hurrican Sandy Relief | Scott Chadwick | SWFL relief alliance | Eluise Gambino | Relief Alliance
Hurrican Sandy Relief | Scott Chadwick | SWFL relief alliance | Eluise Gambino | Relief Alliance