NWP welcomes The Huffington Post contributor and author S.L."Suzie" Scott.S.L. Scott is a former high-tech account manager with a journalism degree pursuing her passion for telling stories. She spends her days escaping into her characters and letting them lead her on their adventures. Live music shows, harvesting jalapenos and eating homemade guacamole are obsessions she calls hobbies. Scott lives in the beautiful Texas Hill Country with her husband, two young sons, two Papillons and a bowl full of Sea Monkeys. Suzie is a succesful author and shares her unique insight on publishing, self-publishing and new changes every author needs to know. These tips have been shared in The Huffingtonton Post and today she shares her knowledge with us!Blog: www.slscottauthor.comTwitter: @slscottauthorFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/slscottauthor Huffington Post Contributor Page: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/sl-scott/www.northwestprime.com
book club | Talk | Humor | Writing Tips | Self Publishing
book club | Talk | Humor | Writing Tips | Self Publishing